The first wrist chronograph with integrated dual frequency distress beacon
Breitling has established itself in the forefront of electronics by creating the Emergency, the word’s first wristwatch equipped with an authentic integrated dual frequency distress beacon: a marvel of miniaturization and extreme technical sophistication belonging to the Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) class.

This titanium multifunction electronic chronograph represents an unprecedented technological feat and is distinguished by its dual frequency transmitter serving both to launch alerts and to guide homing and rescue operations. Stemming from five full years of development, it involved developing avant-garde microelectronic and microtechnical solutions, including a revolutionary rechargeable battery, a miniaturized transmitter and an original integrated antenna system. The first wrist PLB, meaning it remains on its wearer at all times, the emergency is intended for a wide range of users in a broad variety of fields (aviation, navigation, climbing, trekking, hiking, exploration, extreme sports, etc.) around the world. A safety and survival instrument for professionals and adventurers.

A dual frequency transmitter meeting Cospas-Sarsat requirements 
The international Cospas-Sarsat system is based on a network of satellites in low orbit (LEOSAR) and geostationary-orbit (GEOSAR); it also comprises stations on the ground as well as control and coordination centers. Its mission is to transmit distress alerts along with accurate and reliable localization data so as to enable quick and efficient intervention by the Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities. Since its launch in 1985, the Cospas-Sarsat system has helped save more than 35,000 lives.

In accordance with the Cospas-Sarsat requirements, the emergency is equipped with a microtransmitter alternately using two separate frequencies over a 24-hour period. It broadcasts a first 0.44 seconds digital signal every 50 seconds and the 406 MHz frequency reserved for satellites; as well as a second analog 0.75 seconds signal every 2.25 seconds on the 121.5 MHz frequency. The 406 MHz digital frequency serves to launch an alert from anywhere in the world, whereas the 121.5 MHz analog frequency is used for search and rescue purposes. 


Contact our Fashion Mall Commons store for availability, at 317.255.4467.

August 27, 2015